Asociación de Abogados y Abogadas de Buenos Aires.

We are delighted to announce have signed a collaboration agreement with the Asociación de Abogados y Abogadas de Buenos Aires.

This collaboration will enhance’s courses and exams and widen the network.

The Association of Buenos Aires Lawyers is the most representative voluntary membership organisation in Buenos Aires and one of the most important in America. It currently had 5000 members.

Its objectives and purposes are:

a) Defend the country’s democratic institutions enshrined in the National Constitution and the fundamental laws that complement it;

b) Promote the progress of legislation in general so that it responds to the needs of the country.

c) Contribute to the improvement of the administration of justice;

d) Influence through collective action and the moral force of the associates so that the appointment, promotion and removal of magistrates, officials and judicial employees consult in the best way the interests of a good administration of justice;

e) Organize free legal advice services for people without resources;

f) Sponsor, publish and disseminate any study of legal and forensic interest;

g) Represent associates in defense of legitimate professional interests;

h) Intervene in the legitimate manner it deems most effective, when an associate is injured due to the exercise of the profession;

i) Foster bonds of camaraderie and the development of a high and supportive professional spirit;

j) Set the rules of conduct that must be observed by associates in the exercise of the profession;

k) Oversee the observance of professional ethics standards, sanctioning their transgressions;

l) Link with similar entities, promote their creation and associate with them…».

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